Design & Art blog

The Wellness Edition No.79 // Keep Your Vibes High

It has been a while since the last ‘The Wellness Edition’ post. I have to admit that I have been pretty down lately due to the current circumstances; to name Corona politics as one of them, probably the main one. I have a lot to say about what is currently going on in our society but I choose not to do so on this blog because my goal is to keep this online place as one that should be uplifting, so therefore I decided to do a post on keeping your vibes high - which is super hard these days IMHO.

I guess the first thing to do in order to keep the vibes high is to stop constantly following the news and politics. I also don’t wanna bury my head in the sand pretending everything is normal but to focus on these things too much is bad for feeling well. That is for sure. I feel energetically very drained lately and I want to change this, because feeling drained, leaves me no energy to focus on being creative, on working on my digital products for the shop, writing blog posts. Lately I am not really able to focus on anything like that unfortunately and this has to change because it makes me even more sad when I lose my goals out fo sight.

Also I think this ‘new normal’ can’t be kept up forever with all the restrictions. I am trying to be optimistic that this whole dystopian agenda, that is trying to get pushed through even though many of us don’t consent, will end at a certain point and we get back to the kind of life we had before all of this madness began. I don’t want to see personal freedom being replaced through authoritarian governance. Listening to people like Edward Snowden gives me hope that each one of us has the ability to provoke change of politic directions into a humanitarian and democratic agenda that suits us. I guess all we need is some time. I am not going into details here on the blog since this blog is not about politics, maybe one day I start a separate blog or newsletter one day to solely focus on the topics of politics, personal freedom and so on. But for now I won’t.

So. it is very hard to stay optimistic and to keep vibes high these days but I believe it is possible as long as you focus on good self-care. I try my best to do so through good nutrition, enough sleep, lots of outdoor time and I start working out at home again because that always does the trick to chase away a bad mood with low energies. Let’s see how it goes and when I feel more energised again. At least I can share one progress update with you and that is that my anxiety and panic attacks are getting less and less which is really big for me since it hunted me for such a long time already and since the beginning of this year it was unbearable. Oh, also I really wanna get back into drawing and painting again because besides working out and outdoor time, I find this incredibly soothing. Same goes for journaling. The thing is, we have so many tools to raise our vibes and to make us feel better - we just have to remember them, be aware of them and actually use them again. Reading and listening to podcasts I find super helpful as well.

Wishing you lots of good vibrations and that happiness comes back for all of us.



The Wellness Edition No.79 // Keep your vibes high #design #graphicdesign #corona #selfcare #selfcareblog #illustration #designer #illustrator
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