Design & Art blog

The 5am Club

The first few hours of the day are certainly the most powerful ones, right?! At least if you are a morning person like I am. I wanted to share with you that I read a very inspiring book recently. The 5 am club by an author called Robin Sharma. He is basically saying that the way you start your day will have a huge impact on the rest of the day. Sounds logical, doesn’t it?

I have always been a morning person. What gets done in the morning gets done! Robin Sharma wants you to break your glorious morning hour into three 20-minute chunks; 20 minutes for physical exercise, 20 minutes for reflecting, and 20 minutes for personal growth. The concept sounds promising to me! But so far I just do my own thing which means that I try to work on personal projects in the morning and/or that I go outside to get a morning meditation walk done because this is a good Kickstarter to a productive day. But I will try to get that real morning workout done as well which means getting back to doing the DownDog barre workout - yea this one really makes me sweat and I have not done it forever!

Also often I just start my morning routine with housework like cleaning, cooking, and so on. But this is important because I like having my place in order and clean and later on during the day after several hours of working, I often have no energy to get things done. I also noticed that I sleep much better at night when I get up around 5 am. For a long time my waking up time had been 7 am but often I would not sleep through the night, woke up constantly, and be awake for several hours. This has changed ever since I changed my waking up time to 5 am. But who knows, maybe it also has to do with the fact that I started eating oat bran in the morning or maybe it is a combination of both. Whatever, as long as it works and I get better and deeper uninterrupted sleep at night, it is all good.

So here I am now, it is 7 am. I have already finished today’s blog post and will head to the shop around the corner now and then start cooking lunch. And maybe I will also squeeze in my beloved morning walk including the DownDog walking meditation or the barre workout that will make me sweat. Let’s see! For now I am just having fun tweaking my morning routine and I agree with Robin Sharma, the morning hours really are sacred and set you up for the rest of the day.

be the change that you wish to see in the world

be the change that you wish to see in the world

The Wellness Edition No.80 // Taking care of yourself is productive

The Wellness Edition No.80 // Taking care of yourself is productive